Psychology Dissertation Topic Ideas
Wise Owl Research has some great topics to get you started!
We can supply specific Psychology dissertation ideas for you – visit our Dissertation Ideas Page to receive a customised dissertation proposal.
Our tailor made dissertation topic service has everything you need to get started on your Psychology dissertation.
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (1)
‘The Effect of Social Media Usage on Interpersonal Relationships’
The inception of smartphones in conjunction with social media platforms has led to a shift in how we communicate and interact in society. This research proposal should provide a balance of positive and negative aspects where such are to be found. Are the instruments that are designed to promote personal connections actually having the opposite effect in practice?
The scope for your research is relatively broad as one can extend the focus on the addiction properties of social media platforms as well as a comparative overview of how people’s perceptions on interpersonal relationships have changed from the decade preceding the commercialisation of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to the present day.
Wise Owl Research has degree level statisticians who will be able to comprehensively analyse all of your collected data and provide you with complete statistical analysis with descriptions of results to improve your dissertation grade markedly. Full details can be found here
Relevant Psychology Theory: Interpersonal Relationships
Suggested Sources:
Baker, R.K. & White, K.M. (2011) In their own words: Why teenagers don’t use social networking sites, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Li, Q. (2006) Cyberbullying in Schools: A Research of Gender Differences, School Psychology International
Qualman, E. (2012) Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business, London: Wiley Press
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (2)
‘Was Wolf Man diagnosed as a Psychotic or Neurotic or neither according to Freud and Lacan?’
Simply put, this Psychology dissertation idea will be to explore the specific structural diagnoses from both Freud and Lacan’s analyses into both psychosis and neurosis and how the conditions impact on the patient in trying to discover what the patient’s personality structure is
Your Psychology dissertation will invariably investigate how recent developments in both the psychiatrical and mental health sphere have aided the improvement in the awareness of the conditions through Lacan and Freud’s journeys into the diagnostic treatments of psychosis and neurosis
The focal purpose of your dissertation will be to assess whether Freud and Lacan’s diagnostic treatment of both psychotic and neurotic symptoms were successful, thorough, inconclusive or incomplete according to their readers in reference to the Wolfman
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (3)
‘The Psychology of Drag Queens’
This piece of research aimed at finding out why people became drag queens and also what kept them performing in drag. Your study should include at least five individuals that identify as drag queens in the UK. The pervasiveness that gender stereotypes stand the test of time has been supported by psychological research (Prentice & Carranza, 2002). The concept of masculinity has also been researched heavily. Marrs (2015) suggested that young men are more likely to conform to gender stereotypes than young women
Other research that has been conducted on drag queens has suggested that language plays a role in a drag queen’s identity. Simmons (2013) stated that there is a dialect within the drag community and a “code of sisterhood”. This can be seen in real life, through examples of drag that can be seen on TV. In RuPaul’s Drag Race, this is made very clear as the ‘girls’ use phrases like “Hunty” and “Condragulations”.
This code of sisterhood shows a dialect within a community. These terms are kept within the community to show a strong bond and connection. More research in to drag language has been conducted by Childs and Van Herk (2014). They found that drag queens tended to add the letter S on to the end of words to give them a more feminine sound. This can be seen in Rupaul’s Drag Race when queens use terminology such as “Hussy” and “Herses”. This can be explained by gender performativity (Butler, 2004) as this is clearly fulfilling the societal expectations of femininity and the soft tones in a woman’s voice
Relevant Psychology Theory: Gender identity
Suggested Sources:
Butler, J. (1999). Bodily inscriptions, performative subversions. New York. Routledge
Childs, B. Van Herk, G. (2014). Work that –S! Drag queens, gender identity, and traditional Newfoundland English. Journal of sociolinguistics, 18, 634 – 657.
Haines, E. L. Deaux, K. Lofaro, N. (2016). The times are a-changing… or are they not? A comparison of Gender stereotypes, 1983 – 2014. Psychology of women quarterly, 40, 353 – 336.
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (4)
‘The Interconnected Social Lives of Social-Media-Savvy Teens’
Social media has never been so diverse in its offer to young people – there is now a greater variety of platforms open to young people than ever before. What functions do these differing platforms play in the social lives of teens, and do different platforms serve different social functions?
Procure data from surveys so that you can analyse the difference from each of the social media platforms. An interesting study will be to distinguish the contrasts between each platform. This can be determined using statistical analysis techniques such as ANOVA – if you are not acquainted with statistical analysis – we have post graduate statisticians who will be able to process your data and provide you with a competent persons report to complete the data analysis for your dissertation
Relevant Psychology Theory: Social Media Psychology
Suggested Sources:
Boyd, D., 2014. It’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.
Did you know: We have a network of PhD, MSc & BSc Psychology freelance writers who are able to help you with your dissertation? See our Services page for full details
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (5)
‘Online ‘Thinspiration’ and ‘Pro-ana’ Groups – Social Media and Mental Illness’
Social media – especially visual platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat – can significantly influence young peoples sense of body image and body dissatisfaction.
Online groups which use ‘thinspiration’ to encourage the use of extreme dieting behaviours have been linked to increased severity of eating disorders. Pro-anorexia groups also encourage those already suffering from an eating disorder to not seek help and to actively become more ill. How and why are these groups accessed and how do members interact with each in them?
Relevant Psychology Theory: Anorexia Nervosa
Suggested Sources:
Homewood, J. and Melkonian, M., 2015. What factors account for internalisation of the content of pro-ana websites. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 86(9), pp.e3-e3.
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (6)
‘5 more minutes…is social media addictive and what are the effects of this?‘
Young people turn to, and become strongly invested in any platform that enables them to link with peers and fit in with their sub-group. It is widely accepted that social media can be an arena in which young people are compulsively checking in on, and interacting with. At what stage does this compulsion become addiction – how does this addiction manifest itself and what are the effects?
Relevant Psychology Theory: Interpersonal Relationships
Suggested Sources:
Hawi, N.S. and Samaha, M., 2016. The relations among social media addiction, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in university students. Social Science Computer Review, p.0894439316660340
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (7)
‘What do young people’s use of social media tell us about their politics?’
Increasingly political parties are becoming more aware of the importance of engaging young adults (18+) with their policies through social media. In the UK 2017 general election, for example, the mobilisation of the youth vote via social media channels was attributed to the surprise result.
How then, do young people engage in politics through the channels of social media and what effect does this engagement have on voting behaviours?
Relevant Psychology Theory: Psychology Dissertation
Suggested Sources:
Loader, B.D., Vromen, A. and Xenos, M.A., 2014. The networked young citizen: social media, political participation and civic engagement.
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (8)
‘Building resilience in young people – the surprising protective role of social media’
Despite the plethora of negative attention paid to the dangers of young peoples use of social media, there is a view that moderate use of social media can help build resilience and wellbeing in young people. However – what does ‘moderate use’ constitute, and how is this achieved?
Moreover, are their certain populations of young people – those with mental health problems, LGBT individuals, for example – who are more likely to benefit from moderate social media use?
Relevant Psychology Theory: Psychology Social Media
Suggested Sources:
Chong, E.S., Zhang, Y., Mak, W.W. and Pang, I.H., 2015. Social Media as Social Capital of LGB Individuals in Hong Kong: Its Relations with Group Membership, Stigma, and Mental Well‐Being. American journal of community psychology, 55(1-2), pp.228-238
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (9)
‘The interconnected social lives of social-media-savvy teens’
Social media has never been so diverse in its offer to young people – there is now a greater variety of platforms open to young people than ever before. What functions do these differing platforms play in the social lives of teens, and do different platforms serve different social functions?
Procure data from surveys so that you can analyse the difference from each of the social media platforms. An interesting study will be to distinguish the contrasts between each platform. This can be determined using statistical analysis techniques such as ANOVA – if you are not acquainted with statistical analysis – we have post graduate statisticians who will be able to process your data and provide you with a competent persons report to complete the data analysis for your dissertation
Relevant Psychology Theory: Social Media Psychology
Suggested Sources:
Boyd, D., 2014. It’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.
Did you know: We have a network of PhD, MSc & BSc Psychology freelance writers who are able to help you with your dissertation? See our Services page for full details
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (10)
‘Online ‘thinspiration’ and ‘pro-ana’ groups – social media and mental illness’
Social media – especially visual platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat – can significantly influence young peoples sense of body image and body dissatisfaction.
Online groups which use ‘thinspiration’ to encourage the use of extreme dieting behaviours have been linked to increased severity of eating disorders. Pro-anorexia groups also encourage those already suffering from an eating disorder to not seek help and to actively become more ill. How and why are these groups accessed and how do members interact with each in them?
Relevant Psychology Theory: Anorexia Nervosa
Suggested Sources:
Homewood, J. and Melkonian, M., 2015. What factors account for internalisation of the content of pro-ana websites. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 86(9), pp.e3-e3.
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (11)
‘Loneliness, Trait Anxiety and Self-Esteem: Predictors of Social Media Addiction in Undergraduate Students‘
Social media platforms are increasingly popular as they serve a basket of purposes such as facilitating communication with family and friends. This has not abated concerns on the problematic use of social media resulting in negative consequences for the individual.
The objective of this Psychology dissertation is to determine which factors can cause undergraduates to be susceptible to social media addiction. We suggest that you interview university students through opportunity sampling to assess loneliness, self-esteem and trait anxiety. By using multiple regression analysis any positive correlations will indicate a predictor of social media addiction.
Thereafter, you will be able to construct theory on which aspects of the study can be a risk in developing social media addiction.
Relevant Psychology Theory: Social Media Addiction
Suggested Sources:
American Psychiatric Association. (2016). Can you be addicted to the internet? Available HERE
Andreassen, C. S. (2015). Online social network site addiction: A comprehensive review. Current Addiction Reports
Househ, M., Borycki, E., & Kushniruk, A. (2014). Empowering patients through social media: the benefits and challenges. Health informatics journal
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (12)
‘Paranormal Belief and the Detection of Faces in Visual Noise’
Empirical observation has demonstrated that humans have an innate ability to perceive the faces in the world around them. Further supportive evidence show that paranormal believers exhibit a different cognitive style to non-believers which may cause them to perceive familiar patterns, such as faces, differently.
Paranormal believers may be more inclined to attribute patterns in stimuli as being meaningful rather than a function of coincidence. This Psychology dissertation requires a sample of participants to try to identify faces in computer generated noise images as well as a paranormal belief scale survey. Examples of questions you may wish to feature are the subject’s belief that astrology can predict the future, black magic, religious beliefs, black cats and broken mirrors being bad luck. These will help determine, on scale of 1 to 5, the degree of superstition in your candidates
You will need to conduct statistical analysis to determine if any correlation is present and reference this back to any null hypothesis that you set out at the forefront of your paper. Remember, we have postgraduate statisticians who are able to help with data analysis
Relevant Psychology Theory: Paranormal Believers
Suggested Sources:
Blackmore, S., & Moore, R. (1994). Seeing things: Visual recognition and belief in the paranormal. European Journal of Parapsychology
Brugger, P., & Graves, R. E. (1997). Testing vs. believing hypotheses: Magical ideation in the judgement of contingencies. Cognitive Neuropsychiatr
Gianotti, L. R., Mohr, C., Pizzagalli, D., Lehmann, D., & Brugger, P. (2001). Associative processing and paranormal belief. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences
Nees, M. and Phillips, C. (2014). Auditory Pareidolia: Effects of Contextual Priming on Perceptions of Purportedly Paranormal and Ambiguous Auditory Stimuli. Applied Cognitive Psychology
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (13)
‘The interconnected social lives of social-media-savvy teens’
Social media has never been so diverse in its offer to young people – there is now a greater variety of platforms open to young people than ever before. What functions do these differing platforms play in the social lives of teens, and do different platforms serve different social functions?
Procure data from surveys so that you can analyse the difference from each of the social media platforms. An interesting study will be to distinguish the contrasts between each platform. This can be determined using statistical analysis techniques such as ANOVA – if you are not acquainted with statistical analysis – we have post graduate statisticians who will be able to process your data and provide you with a competent persons report to complete the data analysis for your dissertation
Relevant Psychology Theory: Social Media Psychology
Suggested Sources:
Boyd, D., 2014. It’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.
Psychology Dissertation Ideas (14)
‘Online ‘thinspiration’ and ‘pro-ana’ groups – social media and mental illness’
Social media – especially visual platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat – can significantly influence young peoples sense of body image and body dissatisfaction.
Online groups which use ‘thinspiration’ to encourage the use of extreme dieting behaviours have been linked to increased severity of eating disorders. Pro-anorexia groups also encourage those already suffering from an eating disorder to not seek help and to actively become more ill. How and why are these groups accessed and how do members interact with each in them?
Relevant Psychology Theory: Anorexia Nervosa
Suggested Sources:
Homewood, J. and Melkonian, M., 2015. What factors account for internalisation of the content of pro-ana websites. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 86(9), pp.e3-e3.